Availability and device requirements
myMirka is available worldwide free of charge on Google Play and at the App Store. myMirka enables Bluetooth low-energy connectivity and is available in countries where Mirka has the Bluetooth certificate. myMirka Lite (Bluetooth connectivity disabled) is available in all other countries.
List of countries where Bluetooth is enabled in myMirka app.
Device requirements for myMirka app
Requires version 5.0 or later for Android devices
Requires version 9.1 or later for iOS devices
myMirka is not compatible with Windows devices
Available language versions
The myMirka app has backend communication integration with other myMirka services. Available languages versions are listed below. English is a fallback language and also the default language in countries where the local language is not available.
- Chinese simplified (zh-Hans)
- Czech (cs)
- Danish (da)
- Dutch (nl)
- Estonian (ee)
- Finnish (fi)
- French (fr)
- German (de)
- Italian (it)
- Latvian (lv)
- Lithuanian (lt)
- Norwegian (no)
- Polish (pl)
- Portuguese, Brazil (pt-br)
- Russian (ru)
- Spanish (es)
- Swedish (sv)
- Turkish (tr)
Registering as a user
The myMirka app asks the user to register, when myMirka is opened for the first time.
If the user decides not to register, myMirka will remind theuser to register a while later and will repeat this message until the user has registered.